Thursday, 8 December 2016

Magazine front cover

Magazine front cover

This is my completed front cover. I took on the advice of some other people and they suggested for me to put a shadow on 'Power Is Life' and in my opinion it makes it clearer and easier to read. They also said i can stock to the idea of adding a shadow to the puff to make it stand out more because i am trying to promote something on it, which i thought made a lot of sense. I added a date to the top and the issue number right under it. Lastly they advised me to add a little slogan under the Masthead because most magazines have this. 

Magazine Contents

Magazine contents

This complete version of my front cover clearly shoes the type of contents in my magazine. I included the QR code at the bottom because in the front cover it said to scan the code in my contents page. As you can see, in the background there is a logo 'L&C' which is behind everything. I included this because i think it is unique and it fits in perfectly since it isn't blocking anything.

Magazine DPS

Magazine DPS

The changes i made are the good suggestions from other people. one of the changes i made is the shadow surrounding the white box. this makes it standout from the background and overall it brings it forward which shows that it is important. Another change i made was to the background. I was told a lot that the background colours would make it very difficult for text to go over it because of the wide variety of colours so making it black and white allows the Anchor at the top to stand out even more. Last change was the social media logos at the bottom. this indicates to readers that we have other ways to contact L&C headquarters for feedback on the magazines that we make or if they wish to tell us anything.